Within the walls of Agents Of Chaos, there are two self inserts. Z (Of course) and Juniper (Sorta)
Z (I mean, if there was ever a time for a "duh", this is it)
Because of this morphing into a therapy assignment, she basically lives my life
*** She fights to be better than her choices even though at times, it's easier said than done
*** She is over protective, sometimes to a fault
*** She isn't exactly Luminous' biggest fan, but she does the steps
*** She struggles with moving on
*** She leaps into action without considering how it will affect her until it's too late
*** Brie. Her entire storyline with Brie (Enough said)
2. Juniper (*points* Up there I said "sorta", but why? Why sorta?)
Because she's more like a character trait self insert, something I first accomplished while working on a 7 part short story series known as Soul Of Moons. (Archer's obsessive need to know everything lives within me)
*** For as long as I can remember, people have just assumed I can either do everything or somehow, someway, I know who does. People expect me to know everything *shrugs* More times than not, my lack of knowledge on a subject is met with incredulity, as if maybe I'd glitched and needed to be rebooted or something…
Like a computer.
I tend to point out that the greatest gift I gave myself since stepping foot inside therapy was the permission to just not know things. Basically, the ability to give a simple shrug and say: "I don't know." Trust me, it's rather liberating. I don't have to be on the front lines of everything, I've come to find that this goes beyond matters of the mind. This reaches into a realm of not absorbing everyone's business/issues as my own
*** She is a problem solver and she doesn't care what has to be done as long as there are results. This has always been a problematic (And at times, toxic) part of my nature which is why Luminous' unspoken motto is "Whatever it takes". I used to survive on bread, water and solutions for an abysmal amount of time because I'm naturally calculating. This can be seen as a positive attribute or a negative, depending on the situation and/or the people involved so in building Juniper as a fully realized character, I knew I wanted to give her attributes that at times can be viewed as villainess. When people question her motives and/or her decisions she tends to take on a "Yeah, but did you die?" air about her which for some, can feel as if she doesn't care. When in reality, standing in a room filled with thousands, there's a good chance she's the one who cares the most.
Through therapy, I've come to remedy this character trait within myself and am now more of an ear in conversation.
The one who listens to comfort and not as someone who is about to swoop in with all the solutions in the world…
Sidebar: Yeah, it may not be every week, but I've decided "Scrawl Me" can be a thing...