MRPP Spotlight
Of The Week
*dusts off a few titles*
Welcome to our literary emporium!
Founded in 2011, Zarathrustra Ink has been on the front lines of protecting an art form that is slowly drifting into non-existence...
That art form, though sometimes swept to the side for today's technology, is the ability to feed your imagination. Through reading, your mind can soar to lands your feet may never touch, swim in seas that will never exist and fight in battles where you are always the victor. So go on...
Wander through our aisles, peruse a sentence or three and maybe something that speaks to you will jump out.
Have a seat
Get comfortable
Open your mind and imagine...
The library is free, and it always will be,
but we could always use support
Coincidentally, there are two ways to do just that
*** Donate
*** Z-Quips Emporium
Would you like to support the library?
Well, now you can!
Whether it's a dollar or three, all support is support and it keeps the lights on!
So whether you're here everyday or just passing through, thank you in advance for all that you do
Whether you have a favorite character or just want to rep a piece of AOC...
Now you can!
We have masks! We have hoodies! We have T-Shirts! And so much more!
Design Credit: Thank you to @makeofme, @turnedninja, and Maze and Lyons (Of Zarathrustra Ink) for the artwork and patience it took to build the store
Agents Of Chaos
Agents Of Chaos is a weekly upload to Instagram that we like to call "Instaandchill". After a chapter is uploaded completely to Instagram, you can come here, click a link and read it in its entirety
(Possible SPOILERS)
If you're not following Agents Of Chaos, AOC Blog could contain spoilers for certain characters and or plot lines
🤍 You've been warned 🤍
What happens when the world slows to a slow, chilling, lonely crawl and the one you thought would hold you up is the one who leaves you behind?