When I started this project, Jan was my favorite character. He's funny, sarcastic, charming... Short (Ha! Had to slide at least one in this post)
Funny thing is, creating characters is a process in itself and your views on a character tend to change. In this, today I made a character card for Juniper. She's my favorite now. I love everything about her. She's the beginning, she's the end. She's amazing and I really love her in a way that leaves me speechless that I am her creator. I make jokes constantly about how my characters live their own lives, I'm just the writer. With Juniper, it doesn't feel so much like a joke anymore. She really does have a life of her own.
As time goes on, my favorite character might change again. I just wanted to share where my mind is at right now and you know what?
That's okay
Credit to: Yuumei (For the gorgeous piece of art that encapsulates exactly what I think of when I imagine Juniper)
Ya know, that's a good way to think about it. We sit down and map out who we want them to be then over time, they become who they're meant to be
That's amazing and true. Your characters are like your children. You Spawn them through ink and paper and hope they blossom into greatness