Remember this date. This is the most important date you'll come to know because it is the date that the first lines of Agents Of Chaos were penned.
It started out as something I was tinkering with. I had no intention of writing it until I wrapped up a steampunk photoshoot and a friend of mine said it would make a great story. Through his commentary,
Luminous was born.
From there, more brainstorming. I didn't want my time travel story to be a carbon copy of everyone else's so I decided that Luminous would come with stipulations
With those stipulations came writer's block. I truly felt as if I'd written myself into a corner and there wasn't a quill dipped in ink deep enough to write me back out. That is, until more tinkering. (Again. You'll notice this is a running theme with me.) At the time I was dealing with/healing through/growing from several things in therapy. Two of those things stay nestled in my heart no matter what I'm doing or which paths I take so I decided to draw from those themes and from that, Agents Of Chaos was born
Food for thought: Surround yourself with supportive people. Without the push from my friend, Luminous would probably still just be an idea I was tinkering with.
(Which is why Noir is dedicated to him 🖤)